Plant Regrow Day 5

I’m four days in and nothing has exploded, rotted, or has become so foul in stench that I’ve had to dispose of it. No failure here so far. When dealing with plants, four days is a long time for things not to go horribly wrong for me. Black thumb of Death and all.

Now, my butter lettuce, which was first grown hydroponically, is a big pile of mush so I’m not going to try that one again for a hot minute. I also still haven’t started the regrown for my third turn on those shrooms. Starting that will take more energy than I currently have.

This pineapple has pushed out these tiny alligator teeth which are essential for rooting. This process should take 6 - 9 weeks. Yikes. I hope I can keep this going for that long.

This Romaine Lettuce head is starting to pop out some of these tiny frills. I wonder if these will tighten up and become a new little Romaine Lettuce babe.

I’ve been changing out the water every two days to keep it fresh. These plants sit over by my kitchen window which gets good sunlight for about half of the day.


Plant Regrow Day 20


Regrowing a Pineapple (and other stuff, too).