What’s Next - Update

A Move - We finally know where we are going and when we need to be there. Looks like Shaw AFB is our next destination and we plan on moving as close to Columbia, SC as possible at the end of June or early July. There is a lot to do between then and now.

UPDATE - We are now located near Shaw AFB and love the south. Everyone is so kind and polite. Talk about southern hospitality. The move was a pretty easy one, except having to repaint a lot of the house. We will be here for the next two years

A Work Project - After last night, I’ve decided to professionally host a Iron Chef: Montclair Championship. I’ll be working on that today a bit and through the coming weeks. I think we plan for it to happen in May - June.

UPDATE - Iron Chef : Montclair never happened. My nephew died and a lot was happening at the time. I do still have the trophy which I see as a trophy to myself for my accomplishments while in Montclair. Even when some didn’t pan out, I still put my best foot forward.

a Home Project - My backyard is in dire need of a quick cleanup and today is just the day to do it. The weather is beautiful, everyone is home (so that means Josh can help me), and it really needs to be done. Some squirrels decided to rip apart my chair cushion and use it as nest materials. Jerks.

UPDATE - I REALLY want to pull all the weeds out of the front and make the front of the house look really nice.

A Cooking Project - Since I have been neglecting cooking for a bit, probably because I’m a bit burned out from cooking lessons and my manic state, I think I am going to make a huge menu this week all for clean eating. I plan on documenting everything and adding it all to the recipe page on this website (which is kind of in progress).

UPDATE - I’ve been using my smoker like crazy and just loving it so much. That’s been my cooking project lately.

An Art Project - It’s no surprise that in my manic state, I’ve been doing all the art that I can manage. This last week I've done a Daria and a Princess Peach. I’ve got a stoned Luigi that needs some color so I may do that but I’m also thinking about watching a Bob Ross video and painting something that he works on. That would be cool. I’d definitely take some nerdy suggestions, though.

UPDATE - I really need to make mozzarella with this cheese kit I just got.

A Health Project - This past week, we got a treadmill and I have been hitting it twice a day every day. For anyone that knew me pre-surgery, I’m almost unrecognizable as I have put on quite a bit of weight. That’s what having Hashimoto’s and having no gallbladder will do to you. Thanks, kids. My cooking project is kind of going hand in hand with my health project but my plan is to see an Endocrinologist to assess how I’m doing on my thyroid meds and what I can do to drop some of this weight. I can’t stress enough how hard it is to go from modeling to being heavily overweight and needing a slew of medications to keep your organs and parts running correctly. On a related note, I saw this stacked chick at the coffee shop yesterday and I need to start incorporating some kind of leg day into my workout cause DAYUM!

UPDATE - Well, I was recently diagnosed with blood cancer. I did use that treadmill so much and I am proud of myself for that. Mom and I have joined the gym and I think it is going to go well for us.


5 Shoes I’ve Been Dreaming Of.


My Life Story: The First Years - 1