Plant Regrow Day 27

It’s day 27 into my plant regrow project and I think things are coming along rather nicely. My pineapple has built a strong roots system and my Romaine lettuce has grown quite a bit that I have decided to replant them into some soil. Of course, this will probably be my downfall but we shall see. It’s all in the name of SCIENCE!…. and pineapples.

I’ve replanted this pineapple after it grew a nice root system. I’m leaving it in a rather sunny place and gave it a bit of water to start off with. Here’s hoping that it does well in a larger pot with soil.

I’ve currently got a few plant experiments in progress right now. The purple pot are wildflowers. The green pot has snap peas in it. The top left two are my pineapple and Romaine lettuce. The back two, which are the most grown, are two plants I picked up from Ikea a few weeks ago (and have kept alive!). The egg carton is filled with various seeds that I am certain will not sprout since I harvested the seeds myself.


Manic with nothing to do…


Plant Regrow Day 20